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Subcontractor Prequalification

In order to work with Hennessy, every Subcontractor must go through a prequalification process through our Accounting Department. Please download and complete the Subcontractor Prequalification form below. Return the completed form and all requested documentation via mail to our office, located at:

2300 22nd Street North

St. Petersburg, FL 33713

All Subcontractor information shall remain confidential.

We will contact you if additional information is required. When prequalified, Subcontractors will be contacted at the next applicable bidding opportunity.


Insurance requirements are subject to change at any time. Failure to comply with all requirements may result in delay or work and/or payment. Subcontractor must purchase and maintain the following types of coverage and limits of liability:

General Liability, including Products/Completed Operations

 $1,000,000.00 Each Occurrence

 $2,000.000.00 General Aggregate

Auto Liability Insurance

 $1,000,000.00 Combined Single Limit (each accident) for Bodily Injury (per person) and Property Damage (per accident), including Hired and Non-Owned autos.

Workers Compensation

Statutory Limits required by the State where the project is located.

A Certificate of Exemption from Workers Compensation coverage is not acceptable as evidence of insurance coverage.

Subcontractors electing to be Exempt are not allowed to work on Hennessy Construction Services projects.

The Subcontractor shall furnish to the Contractor insurance provided by a licensed insurance company rated excellent (A- or better) and qualified to do business within the State of Florida.

The Subcontractor shall furnish the Contractor with a certificate of insurance on ACORD Form No. 25 prior to commencement of work, and shall include a thirty (30) day written notice of cancellation for General Liability, Auto Liability, and Workers Compensation.

Hennessy Construction Services must be listed as an Additional Insured in regard to the General Liability Insurance on an acceptable endorsement form as respects to this subcontract agreement.?? A copy of the endorsement must be attached to the certificate provided.

Additional Insured Endorsement form numbers that are acceptable are: CG2010 1185 (1st choice) or CG2010 10 01 AND CG2037 10 01 (2nd choice both forms), or CG20 26 11 85 (3rd choice).

NOTE: Endorsement wording must include ongoing and completed operations or equivalent wording satisfactory to Contractor at no expense to Contractor named as additional insured. General Liability coverage shall continue to apply to bodily injury  and to property damage  occurring after all work on the Site of the covered operations to be performed by or on behalf of the additional insureds has been completed and shall continue after that portion of your work out of which the injury or damage arises has been put to its intended use.

All applicable coverage specific to this Subcontractor’s normal operations is to be included in the certificate of insurance.

Subcontractor’s insurance must be primary and non-contributing.

If any portion of the Work of this Subcontractor shall be assigned or subcontracted to a Sub-subcontractor, the Subcontractor shall provide a certificate of insurance from the Sub-subcontractor, per Article 13.1 of the subcontract agreement, listing Hennessy Construction Services as an additional insured, and indemnify and hold harmless Hennessy Construction Services and the Owner from any liability or damages whatsoever associated with the assignment or the subcontracting of this Subcontractor’s Work.

In no event shall the failure, for any reason, of Hennessy to receive any Certificate of Insurance or copy of any policy of insurance, endorsement or other document required in accordance with the provisions hereof be construed as a waiver by Hennessy as a release of the Subcontractor’s obligation to provide the insurance coverage and limits required. The Subcontractor’s obligation to obtain, pay all premiums for, and maintain all insurance required of the Subcontractor under the provisions hereof, is an obligation of the Subcontractor separate and independent of the Subcontractor’s duty to provide Certificates of Insurance and endorsements.

Notice to Owner Information

NOTE:  When the Owner of a project is a municipality, a Notice of Commencement is not required, and a lien cannot be placed on the project.

There are several ways to receive a Notice of Commencement:

1. Click on the link below for the appropriate County for the project. Most municipalities have public documents available for download through their website. They are also available directly through the municipality’s Office of Public Records.

Pinellas County

Hillsborough County


2. Click on the link below for the project you are requesting Notice to Owner information to download a copy of the Notice of Commencement.

Notice of Commencement Astoria Apartments

Canopy T4 Phase Two Notice Of Commencement

Clearwater Gardens NOC Recorded

Eckard College Bon Appetite Pizza Trailer

Florida Holocaust Museum 

Florida Holocaust Museum PP Bond

NOC Cadenza at Hacienda – Recorded


PEMHS Notice of Commencement

Riverside Presbyterian - Electronically Certified Official Record - Notice of Commencement


Hennessy Construction is a premier construction company in the Tampa Bay area, dedicated to delivering quality projects, exceptional service, and a positive client experience.


+1 727-821-3223

2300 22nd St. North, St. Petersburg, FL

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